Dredging Operations: Mobile Ship Channel

Notice Number: 24-17

Reference to Navigation Bulletin 24-08

Notice is given to mariners that Manson Construction's pipeline dredge Robert M White will be dredging the Mobile Ship Channel in the vicinity of Buoy 14 and placing dredge material into the Sand Island Beneficial Use Area (SIBUA) near the Sand Island Lighthouse extending westward for approximately 4,000 feet.  Mariners transiting west of the lighthouse should expect shallow water depths and shoaling that can move/shift frequently.  Dredging and placement activities are expected to continue for approximately one month.

Please see attached map illustrating the approximate dredge material placement location.

Mariners are advised to use extreme caution and avoid the area west of the Sand Island Lighthouse.

For further information, please contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Irvington Site Office at (251) 957-6019.