Each industry has its own lingo, way of talking or speaking. Nowadays, everything has an acronym. Please find the below list of standard acronyms used in the Inland River, Port and Terminal industry.
If we are missing an acronym, please feel free to suggest an addition.
ACBL | American Commercial Barge Line |
AMH | America's Marine Highway |
AMPE | Accredited Maritime Port Executive |
AOPOA | Arkansas Oklahoma Port Operators Association |
ARERT | Arkansas River Emergency Reaction Team |
ASLRRA | American Short Line ad Regional Railroad Association |
ATON | Aids to Navigation |
AWA | Arkansas Waterways Association |
AWC | Arkansas Waterways Commission |
AWO | American Waterways Operators Association |
AWS | Alert Warning System |
BNM | Broadcast to Mariners- USCG |
BOL | Bill of Lading |
CFS | Cubic Feet per Second |
CGB | Consolidated Grain & Barge |
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency |
CRISI | Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements |
CTLC | Consolidated Terminals & Logistics |
COB | Container on Barge |
DERA | Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
EDA | Economic Development Agency |
EOC | Emergency Operation Center |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESF | Emergency Support Function |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration |
GICA | Gulf and Intracoastal Canal Association |
GIWW | Gulf and Intracoastal Waterway |
HLSEM | Homeland Security and Emergency Management |
IAMPE | International Association of Maritime Port Executives |
IIJA | Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act |
INFRA | Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Program |
IRCA | Illinois River Carriers' Association |
IRPT | Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals |
IWR | Institute of Water Resources, a division of the USACE |
IWUB | Inland Waterways Users Board |
L&D | Lock and Dam |
LMR | Lower Mississippi River |
LOMRC | Lower Mississippi River Committee |
LPMS | Lock Performance Monitoring System |
MARAD | Maritime Administration |
MEGA | National Infrastructure Project Assistance Program |
MM | Mile Marker |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPM | Maritime Port Manager |
MRRP | Missouri River Recovery Program |
MSIB | Marine Safety Information Bulletin |
MTSNAC | Marine Transportation System National Advisory Committee |
MVTTC | Mississippi Valley Trade & Transport Council |
NAFTZ | National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOFO | Notice of Funding Opportunity |
NWC | National Waterways Conference |
NWS | National Weather Service |
O & D | Origination and Destination |
ORBA | Ohio River Basin Alliance |
PAL | Ports Association of Louisiana |
PIDP | Port Infrastructure Development Program |
PROTECT | Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation Program |
PSGP | Port Security Grant Program |
RAISE | Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity |
RIAC | River Industry Action Committee |
RM | River Mile |
RURAL | Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program |
SEC | Sector |
SEMA | State Emergency Management |
T&I | Transportation and Infrastructure (Committee in House of Representatives) |
TPO | Third Party Organization |
TSMS | Towing Safety Management Systems |
UMIB | Urgent Marine Information Broadcast |
UMR | Upper Mississippi River |
UMRBA | Upper Mississippi River Basin Association |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
VOR | Vessel Operating Report |
WAP | Waterways Action Plan |
WCI | Waterways Council Inc |
WRDA | Water Resources Development Act |