Ohio River Basin In The News
OmniTRAX Deploys Ohio’s First All Electric Emission Reducing Locomotive
By Tessa Andres |
CLEVELAND, Nov. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Newburgh & South Shore Railroad (NSR), an affiliate of the comprehensive supply-chain and logistics solutions provider OmniTRAX, has deployed its first all-battery electric locomotive with a ceremony that included dignitaries from Ohio’s Environmental Agency, the Port of Cleveland, AMPS Traction, and NSR customers. The new AMPS Traction G9, the first electric locomotive deployed by…
Read More Pittsburgh District breaks ground on first step in updating aging navigation system on upper Ohio River
By Tessa Andres |
PITTSBURGH – A groundbreaking ceremony in the Pittsburgh region set the stage for updating the Ohio River’s oldest navigation system. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District welcomed industry, community and political leaders for the ceremony, digging shovels into a pile of dirt at the Montgomery Locks and Dam facility Aug. 11. The event…
Read More Historic Milestone for Navigation on the Ohio River
By Tessa Andres |
Locks and Dam 52 (Ohio River Mile 938.9): This navigation notice announces the official closure of the Locks and Dam 52 project that was originally opened in 1929. L&D 52 was replaced when Olmsted L&D came online on 4 September 2018. Demolition of L&D 52 began on 8 August 2019. This is a historic milestone…
Read More Methanol Barge Safely Removed From McAlpine
By Tessa Andres |
A barge carrying methanol that lodged against the McAlpine Dam on the Ohio River near Louisville, Ky., has been removed with no leaks detected. The barge carrying approximately 1,400 metric tons of liquid methanol was successfully removed about 3 p.m. April 8 after the methanol was offloaded into a receiver barge. It and two other…
Read More Corps Updates Stakeholders On Chickamauga, Kentucky Lock Projects
By Tessa Andres |
Nashville Engineer District leaders, engineers and project managers hosted stakeholder roundtables recently to provide updates and an opportunity to visit the district’s two mega construction projects. Lt. Col. Joseph Sahl, Nashville District commander, said the concept of the “roundtables” with industry and agency stakeholders is building relationships through communication, which involves hosting them at the…
Read More Kentucky Passes Jones Act Resolution
By Tessa Andres |
The Kentucky legislature has approved a resolution to support the Jones Act. Titled House Concurrent Resolution 5, the International Propeller Club’s Port of Paducah (Ky.) collaboratively authored the initial resolution language with the American Waterways Operators and took the lead in efforts to pass it. It was passed on third reading from the Kentucky House…
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