Increased Lockage Time and McNary’s Navigation Lock
Navigation Notice: 205420/24-01
Date: 11/18/2023 01:10 thru UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Due to mechanical issues with one of the navigation lock drain valves, the valve is removed from service while maintenance crews are performing repairs to the mechanical system. There is currently no firm estimate for when the lock will return to full service. Until further notice, lockages are predicted to require an additional 15-20 minutes to complete.
Once repairs are completed, an amendment to this notice will be issued.
Project affected: McNary Lock and Dam, located at Columbia River Mile 292.
For additional information contact the McNary Chief Operator at 541-922-2231, Call Sign: WUJ41 or NWW Operations Division at (509) 527-7364.
Koebberling, Kenneth E, Navigation Business Line Manager