Dredging Operations: Apalachicola Bay Florida
Notice Number: 24-18
Date: 02/04/2024 thru aprox. 05/04/2024
Notice is given to mariners that Inland Dredging Company's cutterhead Dredge America will begin maintenance dredging operations along the GIWW in the Apalachicola Bay, FL area on or around 4 February 2024. The dredge is currently in the area completing repairs and performing prep-work. Material will be placed into approved open water disposal sites located adjacent to the GIWW. Dredging activities are expected to continue for approximately 3 months. The dredge plant can be contacted on VHF-FM Channels 13 and 16.
Mariners should exercise extreme caution when transiting this area.
For further information, please contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Panama City Site Office at (850) 784-9780.
Herbert M. Bullock
Chief, Navigation Section