Olmsted Locks and Dam ORM 964.6
Olmsted Locks and Dam ORM 964.6. Due to the river conditions at Olmsted Locks and Dam, project personnel will start lowering the wicket dam at 1500 CT 25 January 2024. Navigation traffic will continue to pass through the lock chambers and transition over the navigation pass upon the completion of lowering and allowing the river to settle out. Due to lower flows on the Mississippi River it might take additional time to allow the river to settle out prior to transitioning traffic to the navigation pass.
All mariners will take direction from the Olmsted Locks and Dam control tower.
Navigation pass restriction are as follows:
Down bound tow maximum dimensions are 175' x 1200' including towboat, with no more than 25 regulation barges and not to exceed 5 wide. No hip barges or other deviation that could degrade normal steerage characteristics are allowed for down bound tows.
Up bound tow maximum dimensions are 140' x 1600' including towboat, with no more than 28 regulation barges and not to exceed 4 wide. Up bound tows shall have adequate power to maintain speed.
Brad M. Stout
Operations Manager
Locks and Dams
Louisville District
US Army Corps of Engineers
Office: (502) 315-6701
Cell: (502) 523-4976