Errin Howard Joins IRPT as Career Development Program Director
I am excited to announce my new position as a consultant for Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals (IRPT) as the Career Development Program Director! In this role I will be working to expand IRPT’s career opportunities initiative into a career development program. IRPT’s Career Development Program, We Work the Waterways (WWW) focuses on four things: Promote, Market, Encourage, and Educate.
One goal of the We Work the Waterways program will be to continue offering engaging programs for high school students to explore career opportunities in the maritime industry. The river is home to a variety of jobs such as in the maritime industry, conservation, engineering, and more. Students take a hands-on approach with games to learn lessons like the process of transporting goods in the economy, how rivers work, smashing-good safety demonstrations, and how to prepare for an interview. The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, for whom I was formerly employed, has given their blessing and approval for me to continue these programs through We Work the Waterways. If you participated in one of these programs in the past, I will be in touch soon to begin working with you to conduct We Work the Waterways events in your community!
We Work the Waterways events currently on the calendar include:
Baton Rouge 1/30 and 1/31
Vicksburg, MS 2/15
Pascagoula, MS 3/6
NOMMA Maritime Day 3/5
Additionally, I will be in touch to start planning for Pittsburgh, Point Pleasant(WV), Memphis TN, the Port of South Louisiana and more!
Workforce participation remains below pre-pandemic levels. We are missing 1.7 million Americans from the workforce compared to February of 2020. The river transportation industry is not immune to this dilemma. IRPT in part, strives to introduce maritime careers to future job seekers while filling the current open positions with the eager job seekers of today. In order to accomplish this, We Work the Waterways needs your support. We hope you will consider a year end gift to help support our efforts! If you would like to consider a gift to get us started, please email me with amount you would like to give, and we will send you an invoice at . We will send the invoice electronically, but please include your billing address so we can include that information on the invoice. After your check is received you will receive a thank you letter to be used when filing your taxes.
We will be in touch in the new year with full membership benefits and levels! Currently we are hoping to capture funds prior to the end of the year to bring us in 2024! For now, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to another incredible year 😊