Navigation Notices: Ohio River
Olmsted Locks and Dam ORM 964.6
Olmsted Locks and Dam ORM 964.6. Due to the river conditions at Olmsted Locks and Dam, project personnel have started lowering the wicket dam at 1400 CT 11 January 2024. Navigation traffic will continue to pass through the lock chambers and transition over the navigation pass upon the completion of lowering and allowing the river…
Read MoreUnmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Reporting Processes
This Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) updates the UAS reporting process detailed in MSIB Vol XX, Issue 016 and expands UAS reporting to include the entire Marine Transportation System (MTS) within the Captain of the Port (COTP) New Orleans zone. UAS are increasingly being employed for a variety of services on or near commercial vessels…
Read MoreNotice of Public Meeting in Preparation for International Maritime Organization HTW 10 Session
The Department of State will conduct a public meeting at 10 a.m. ET on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, both in-person at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC, and via teleconference. The primary purpose of the meeting is to prepare for the tenth session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and…
Read MoreRestricted Areas at Navigation Structures in the Huntington District
Notice Number: 205562/24-05 Date: 01/01/2023 05:00 thru 01/01/2025 04:59 This Notice is applicable to the following Huntington District Corps of Engineers’ Ohio River Locks and Dams: Captain Anthony Meldahl, Greenup, R.C. Byrd, Racine, Belleville, and Willow Island, and the following Kanawha River Locks and Dams: Winfield, Marmet, and London. A number of accidents have occurred…
Read MoreCrew Change and Mail Delivery Policies for Hunting District at Navigation Locks for Towboat Personnel
Notice Number: 205565-1/24-04 Date: 01/01/2024 05:00 thru 01/01/2025 04:59 The following policies are in effect for all navigation locks within the Huntington District. Crew changes will be allowed only when security levels warrant. The following procedures will be used for crew changes: The towing companies must request permission from Lockmaster or designee for crew changes…
Read MoreNotification of Sinking or Sunken Vessels, Vessel Groundings, and Barge Breakaways
Notice Number: 205566/24-03 Date: 01/01/2024 05:00 thru 01/01/2025 04:59 Timely notification of sinking or sunken vessels, groundings, and barges breakaway is a matter of great concern to the United States Army Corps of Engineers because of the potential danger that could result from unreported cases. Pursuant to Section 7 of the River and Harbors Act…
Read MoreReview of Regulations and General Safety Practices
Notice Number: 205564-1/24-02 Date: 01/01/2024 05:00 thru 01/01/2025 04:59 Notice is given that the Huntington District Corps of Engineers is requesting that all towing companies and other waterway users review their operating procedures to ensure that their personnel are complying with all regulations and general safety practices. Regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army…
Read MoreWinter Navigation on the Ohio River and Tributaries
Notice Number: 205567/24-01 Date: 01/01/2024 05:00 thru 01/01/2025 04:59 In the interest of navigation safety on the waterways, users are reminded that navigation during winter months is a hazardous undertaking. Operators are requested to exercise extreme caution during this season and carefully evaluate the makeup and motive power for each tow. ICE CONDITIONS It is…
Good morning, Please find this week’s bridge maintenance and activities summary, the winter hours list, and the delay report attached to this bulletin. Please contact us with any questions or concerns: Blair Stanifer (216) 902-6086 or Lee Soule (216) 902-6085 or Michael Walker (216) 902-6087 or FAX: (216) 902-6088 Subscribe to the…
Notice Number: 205424-2/23-34 Date: 11/20/2023 18:58 thru UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Notice is given that on 6 December 2023, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, will begin dewatering the main chamber at Captain Anthony Meldahl Locks and Dam Ohio River, Mile 436.2. Expect lockage delays in the auxiliary chamber until the dewatering and inspection…
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