Carrollton Gauge reading 8 Feet and Rising, High Water Operations 06Feb24 1017L

The Carrollton Gauge is now reading 8 feet on the rise, and Vessel Traffic Service New Orleans is now enforcing High Water traffic operations for all vessels transiting the New Orleans Harbor, Algiers Point AOR. All vessels are reminded to check in with the New Orleans Vessel traffic on VHF CH12, for all northbound tow boats, the initial call is at Industrial Locks, and Smith’s fleet for the second. Northbound ships will check in at Algiers Locks for the initial call, and Alabo Street for the second. All northbound vessels are reminded to be prepared to hold up below Algiers Point, if traffic density dictates it. For southbound vessels, the check in points remain the same, Huey P Long Bridge for the initial call, and the Navy Ships mm 98.5, for the second. For further information contact New Orleans Vessel Traffic Service VHF-FM Ch. 05A, 11, or 67, or (24 hours): (504) 365-2514.


Watch Supervisor
U.S. Coast Guard
Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River
200 Hendee Street, Suite 300
New Orleans, LA 70114