Sending Faxes to the National Maritime Center

As of August 25, 2023, Regional Exam Centers (RECs) will no longer maintain separate fax lines.  In accordance with 46 CFR 10.217(a), the Coast Guard is designating the following fax numbers as locations to which an applicant may submit application information.  To fax information to the National Maritime Center (NMC), please use the specific fax number associated with the categories of documentation below.

  • Documentation related to the processing of a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) application (including CG-719B forms and supporting documents, MMC Awaiting Information (AI) submissions, and duplicate requests) should be sent to (304) 433-3416.
  • Any information related to an application for a Medical Certificate (including CG-719K/KE forms and medical AI submissions) should be sent to (304) 433-3407.
  • Documentation related to the processing mariner training course approvals/renewals, designated examiners, and Qualified Assessors should be sent to (304) 433-3408.
  • Documentation and AI submissions related to safety and suitability screening (including court documents, TWIC information, citizenship documents, and proof of residency) should be sent to (304) 433-3411.
  • General inquiries, mariner record requests, and World War II record requests should be sent to (304) 433-3417.

Please note that the preferred method for submitting the documentation listed above is via e-mail.  Further information regarding the specific e-mail address to use for each category of documentation may be found on the NMC Website.

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, contact the NMC Customer Service Center by e-mailing or calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).


/B. W. Clare/

Bradley W. Clare
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Commanding Officer