Notice to Navigation Interests 205953 – Underwater Inspection at CSSC Fish Dispersal Barrier

Notice to Navigation Interests 205953 - Underwater Inspection at CSSC Fish Dispersal Barrier

To Whom It May Concern,

Between 0700 CST and 1700 CST on Tuesday, February 20th through Friday, February 23rd, 2024, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Chicago District will be conducting surveys on the Illinois Waterway from River Mile 296.0 to 296.7. The purpose of these surveys are to conduct underwater inspections of the electrodes at the CSSC Barrier utilizing a remote operated vehicle (ROV). Vessels should provide 20 minutes notice prior to transiting the barrier by contacting the survey crew on VHF Channel 16 (such that the survey crew can relocate out of the Regulated Navigation Area (RNA) located adjacent to and over the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Aquatic Nuisance Species electric dispersal barrier system (EDBS). If you have any questions/comments/concerns regarding this Notice to Navigation Interests, please feel free to contact Mr. Michael Walsh, Chief of the Waterways Project Office. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Michael Walsh
Waterways Project Office Chief
Office: (815) 510-0361