Kentuckians For Better Transportation appoints Michael Cansler as new board chair

FRANKFORT, Ky. — KBT is the leading transportation advocacy organization in Kentucky, and we are delighted to announce the appointment of Michael Cansler as our new Board Chair. This appointment marks the beginning of our 46th year and an exciting new chapter in the association’s history as it continues to advocate for and serve its diverse membership base.

Michael brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role, having served on the KBT Board of Directors for over 10 years. He has demonstrated an understanding of and dedication to multi-modal transportation infrastructure’s challenges and opportunities. Michael is well-equipped to guide the association toward achieving its strategic goals and enhancing its commitment to supporting members.

“It’s my honor to represent Rogers Group on the board of KBT and I’m truly humbled to serve this great organization as the 2023-2024 chairman. This past year has been very busy and successful. I want to thank Jeff Houchin, our past chair, and Jennifer Kirchner, our Executive Director, and her team for a job well done. I look forward to working closely with the talented Board of Directors, staff, and members to strengthen further our organization’s mission to educate and advocate for a safe and sustainable multi-modal transportation network that provides mobility across the Commonwealth for economic growth and improved quality of life.

“I am looking forward to working with Michael as our new Board Chair,” stated Executive Director Jennifer Kirchner. “He has served on our Executive Committee for three years, and we look forward to keeping the momentum going. We have many exciting opportunities and challenges, and KBT leadership is up to the job.”
Learn more about the KBT Board of Directors here.

About KBT
Kentuckians for Better Transportation is the voice to educate and advocate for a safe and sustainable multi-modal transportation network that provides mobility across the Commonwealth for economic growth and improved quality of life.
