The Inland Maritime Port Manager and Inland Maritime Port Executive (IMPM-IMPE) seminar is the premier professional development program for brown water port executives. The IMPM-IMPE program is a first-of-its-kind program, specifically designed around the needs and demands of river ports. The IMPM-IMPE program is based on the Maritime Port Executive program, which has been used to train over 2,000 professionals working in ocean ports. The IMPE program was developed in conjunction with Inland Rivers, Ports, and Terminals (IRPT) and their Education Committee to address the needs of river port professionals.
Led by the International Association of Maritime and Port Executives (IAMPE), the class is an intensive, five-day seminar that covers all aspects of port management in detail. Graduates of the program will be equipped with a deep understanding of how the port industry fits in the global transportation system as well as comprehensive knowledge of all the day-to-day functions required for a successful port.
The Inland Maritime Port Manager covers:
- The International Transportation System
- The Port Industry and Intermodal Connectivity
- Selected Equipment and Terminology
3A. The Inland Waterways System
- Current Issues in the Port and Maritime Industry
- Public Port Governance Structures and Management
- Port and Terminal Administration and Finance
- Intermodal Marine and Cargo Facilities
- Port and Intermodal Terminal Operations
- Port Infrastructure-Harbors, Waterways, Road and Rail
- Port & Terminal Safety, Security and Emergency Planning
The IMPM is a 2-day course offered at $1,200 and is a prerequisite for the Inland Maritime Port Executive training but can be taken concurrently.
The Inland Maritime Port Executive covers:
- Regulatory Requirements, Legal Issues and Resiliency
- Port and Terminal Property Management and Risk Factors
- Cargo Processes and Management, Chartering and Carriage
- Cost and Pricing of Transportation, Application of the O/D Analysis
- Port and Terminal Business Development and Planning
- Marine Terminal and Port Tariffs, Regulations and Operating Plans
- Public Relations, Information Systems and Media Planning
- Strategic, Master Transportation and Cargo Planning Processes
The IMPE is a 2 1/2-day course offered at $1,500.