Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA) Demonstration Program
Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA) Demonstration Program
Coming Soon - Third Round of Grants!
$12 million in funding will be available through a Notice of Funding Opportunity expected to be issued early 2023!
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Regional Infrastructure Accelerator Demonstration Program
The Build America Bureau is designating and funding Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA) that serve defined geographic areas and act as a resource to eligible project sponsors to speed development of Bureau-eligible projects. The goal is to finance and deliver more projects while demonstrating the effectiveness of RIAs in providing technical resources, planning, financing, and development support. In addition, direct financing is available through the Bureau loan programs and innovative funding, financing, and project delivery techniques. The Bureau last issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity in January for FY 2021 funded projects that will be announced this summer. The FY22 appropriations provided $12 million for an additional NOFO to be released later this year.
Stakeholder Type(s):
- Local Government
- Regional/Metro Planning Orgs (MPO)
- State DOT
- Tribal Government
Resource Type(s):
- Grant
- Resource Center
Transportation Mode(s):
- Air (airports, aviation, drones)
- Bicycle
- Electric or Autonomous Vehicles
- Highway
- Intelligent Transportation and Data Systems
- Micromobility (bike share, scooters, etc.)
- Pedestrian
- Ports
- Railway
- Transit