TriRivers Waterway Development Association

TriRivers Waterway Development Association (TRWDA) is a not-for-profit whose sole mission is to promote the Apalachicola Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers system from LaGrange, Columbus, Phenix City, and Bainbridge to Apalachicola for the economic well-being of the tri-state region.
The Supreme Court has ruled on the Fla. vs. Ga. Case.
- TRWDA will stay engaged to foster the interests of the middle and lower ACF Basin.
TriRivers pleads the case for adequate federal funding for the Congressionally authorized dams, locks, and channels.
- While the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates these facilities, Congress appropriates the funds for operation.
- The annual USACE Civil Works budget for the system provides funding for power generation and recreation, but none for navigation.
Competition for federal dollars and the long water wars have put the lower ACF system in an existential crisis.
- All three locks on the system are shut down indefinitely and need special appropriations for major rehabilitation work. The Corps has completed a study and estimates $94 million is needed to restore the dams. The cost of dredging was not determined. Our estimate is $136 mil to fully restore the system for navigation.
- We currently have funding of $74.6 million for necessary repairs at Walter F. George and Jim Woodruff. We are working on funding for the remaining portions of the system.
- The current management plan for the ACF basin provides inadequate flow during critical times. We are continuing to advocate for changes to the new Corps Basin manual that could remedy that problem.
Our longstanding position is to restore and maintain a usable navigation channel below Jim Woodruff.
- We support the Corps efforts to de-snag the channel to allow safe boating.
- We continue to seek a means to have the channel available for commercial navigation through the proper management of dredging procedures, sand disposal and water flow.
- TRWDA will reengage with Florida and interested groups to find mutually acceptable solutions.
We support the major industries on the river and seek opportunities to bring in new ones.
- The current industry on the river is responsible for thousands of jobs in the region. A recent survey of existing business and industry indicates the possibility of an additional 700 new, direct jobs tied to navigation.
We recognize the value of recreation and ecotourism.
- COE recreation areas
- Fishing Tournaments
- Whitewater Columbus
- Boating and lake recreation facilities
- Paddleboat tours from Apalachicola
- River trails
- Lake groups. i.e. Friends of Lake Eufaula and Stewards of Lake Seminole
We support a long-term consensus solution to the tri-state water wars.
- TriRivers is a founding, sustaining and active member of the ACF Stakeholders.
We support keeping the Coast Guard stationed in Eufaula to maintain aids to navigation to the benefit of all boaters.
- In 2016 there was a directive to move the CG station when TriRivers successfully sought Congressional support for keeping the station.
TriRivers functions as a liaison with the US Army Corps of Engineers and others.
- We are available to assist our members find the right contacts either in the Mobile District or the South Atlantic Division.
- We conduct a river/stakeholder information tour whenever a new commander takes over in either Mobile or Atlanta.
- We are also members of the National Waterways Association.
- We track and inform members of significant regulatory or planning actions by federal and state agencies in the ACF region.
TriRivers holds an annual meeting with key speakers who provide updates on ACF area activities.
- The 2023 meeting will be held October 25-26 in Eufaula, AL.
Our membership is open to government bodies, businesses of all sizes, and individuals. Our Executive Director is Philip Clayton. Phil is also the Director of Economic Development at the Eufaula Barbour County Chamber of Commerce
TriRivers Waterway Development Association
Philip Clayton
333 East Broad St.
Eufaula, AL 36027
334-695-3433 (C)