Port of Pascagoula

The Port of Pascagoula, located on the southeastern coast of Mississippi is a full-service deep water port with modern facilities for handling cargo from around the world. The Port’s two harbors include a combination of public and private terminals handling in excess of 32 million tons of cargo through the channel annually. The Port is the largest seaport in Mississippi, and ranks nationally in the top 20 ports in foreign cargo volume.
Our location is naturally advantageous to importers, exporters and carriers shipping via the Gulf of Mexico. Our port is equipped with the facilities, technology and manpower to efficiently handle a wide variety of cargoes.
Attractive features include:
- 42 ft deep channels
- Short distance to shipping lanes – 2 hours pilotage
- Weather protected rail operations
- Extremely competitive rates and flexible labor force
According to a 2004 study conducted by Michael Baker Corporation, operations associated with the Jackson County Port Authority are responsible for 19,370 direct jobs, $902 million in personal income, $393 million in spending, $50 million in state tax revenue and $27 million in tax revenues to Jackson County.
Port of Pascagoula
Bo Ethridge, Port Director
(228) 762-4041
3033 Pascagoula St. PO Box 70
Pascagoula, Mississippi 39567