Port Freeport

Port Freeport is a leading economic catalyst for the Texas Gulf Coast. The port currently ranks 15th among U.S. ports in total foreign waterborne tonnage handled. With a current channel of 46-foot depth, soon to be widened and deepened, just 3 miles from open Gulf of Mexico waters, Port Freeport is achieving remarkable results, enjoying growth at a phenomenal rate, and creating thousands of jobs in Brazoria County.
Port Freeport's economic impact is poised to continue its dynamic rise with Brazoria County industry engaged in billions of dollars of infrastructure investments.
To view the Economic Impact Analysis Report click here.
Port Freeport serves its customers and stakeholders through the development and marketing of competitive world-class navigational capabilities, technically advanced marine and multimodal terminal services and port-related industrial facilities, while achieving profits and creating jobs as a leading economic catalyst for the district and the Texas Gulf Coast.
Port Freeport
Phyllis Saathoff, Executive Director/CEO
1001 N Gulf Blvd
Freeport, TX 77541
(979) 233-2667