Columbiana County Port Authority
The Columbiana County Port Authority, created in 1977, owns and leases industrial plant complexes, barge/rail/truck cargo transfer facilities, and a fiber optic network in Mahoning and Columbiana Counties. Additionally, the Port Authority owns and sells/leases property in two industrial parks, the Trade Park in Leetonia and the Intermodal Facility in Wellsville. The Trade Park and the Wellsville Intermodal Facility are all designated as Foreign Trade Zones.
The Wellsville Intermodal Facility was constructed to facilitate multimodal cargo transportation. Completed in 2016, the project provides for the seamless transfer of cargo from multiple modes of transportation (river, rail, highway). River transportation provides an all-season, low-cost method of cargo movement. The standard barge tow on the river system carries cargo equivalent to 1050 semi-trucks. Barges can move one ton of cargo 576 miles per gallon of fuel compared to rail at 431 miles per gallon and to truck at 155 miles per gallon. Trucks emit 71.6 tons of CO2 per million ton miles, rail emits 26.9 tons and barge towboats 19.3 tons. In regard to safety, for every 1 injury by accident on a barge there are 125.2 injuries by rail and 2,171.5 injuries by truck. The cost for transportation over inland waterways is generally 3 times lower than other modes of transportation, translating into an annual savings of $7 Billion for American business.
World Trade Park - St. Rte. 344, Leetonia OH
Approximately 45 acres are available in the 126 acre industrial park (former greenfield) High ground semi-rural location with scenic vistas Zoned Industrial; Full Environmental Compliance Designated Foreign Trade Zone #181
Industrial Warehouse - 600 Cherry Fork, Leetonia OH
TOTAL SQ FT: 105,000
Wellsville Intermodal Facility - 2400 Clark Ave, Wellsville OH
Pier 48 Stevedoring handles marine operations at the Wellsville Intermodal Facility under contract with the Port Authority including a 60-ton top running overhead Virginia bridge crane and loading cells, installed in 2008; a Mantsinen 120 HybriLift bulk material handler with articulating boom, pedestal mounted crane and 4-cu.yd., 9-ton bucket, features a hydraulic cab elevator with ground level entry that raises the operator's eye level to 36' (one of six in the U.S.) - capable of handling 800 tons per hour, installed in 2016; and, a 48-in. Imperial Technology conveyor system, installed in 2016. Contact Larry heck (330) 853-3533.
Learn more here or contact IRPT Member:
Columbiana County Port Authority
Penny Traina
7860 Lincole Place
Lisbon, Ohio 44432
(330) 424-1800