A&K Railroad Materials, Inc.
For over 60 years, A&K Railroad Materials has set the standard for excellent service, products and performance throughout the industry.
Our mission is to help our customers perform better by providing them exceptional service and support while delivering them the quality railroad materials and services they need, when they need them.
We are driven by high ethics and values and committed to:
- Building our resource base and economic strength through skillful application of our human, financial and creative resources;
- Providing professional and personal growth opportunities to our employees;
- Setting an example of leadership in our industry;
- Serving individuals and communities by providing quality products, competitive pricing and values-oriented services;
- Satisfying our customers’ needs by providing the best products and service in our industry today; and
- Looking ahead with foresight to the future to ensure the technological growth and development of products and services needed to retain our customers tomorrow.
Our Services:
Panelized Turnouts
A&K can furnish fully panelized turnouts completely assembled and shipped in two to four sections, based on turnout size, in our fleet of custom panel cars for easy unloading and quick installation. Turnouts can also be pre-plated, completely disassembled and shipped to your job site. Alternatively, the switch panel can remain assembled and the rest of the turnout can be disassembled and all can be shipped to your job site by truck or rail car for easy reassembly at your site, minimizing your need for specialized construction crews. Contact your A&K representative for more details.
Track Removal
A&K’s standards for quality, service and reliability carry over to our track removal capabilities. With dozens of crews located across the country, our specialists can be on your job in 48 hours or less when needed. We have an extensive fleet of track removal equipment, our own crews and the bonding and insurance capabilities that allow A&K the flexibility to tailor your projects and our strengths to fit your specific requirements. If you need us to handle a particular phase or to take full responsibility from top to bottom, we can satisfy your needs. So, whether you have a few hundred yards or a few hundred miles of jointed track or continuous welded rail, A&K can help remove that rail according to the needs of our customers.
Welding / CWR
A&K has a complete CWR services group which can fill your every need with regard to continuous welded rail. A&K can pick up and deliver relay CWR or weld new or relay rail and ship it direct to your site. Our in-house logistics group can expedite movement of the rail trains so your CWR arrives on time at your location. A&K crews can either unload the CWR along your right-of-way or place it in stockpiles for future use. A&K’s complete CWR services group includes welding plants, rail pick up units, rail trains and locomotive power to provide you with on time service.
Please learn more here or contact IRPT Member:
A&K Railroad Materials, Inc.
Thomas Palmeri
PO Box 30076
Salt Lake City, Utah 84130
(801) 974-5484