Introducing IRPT’s Mobile App
Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals, Inc. (IRPT) has a mobile app that will allow us to push vital information regarding each of the basins to industry users. The ability to communicate quickly to all users of water transportation so they can make key decisions about operations in situations where scheduled or unscheduled maintenance activities and emergencies occur on our rivers is vital.
We plan to work closely with the U.S. Coast Guard, each of the USACE Districts, Regional Waterway Associations and Boat Captains to collect vital information to send navigation notices, scheduled and unscheduled Corps of Engineer’s maintenance operations on the locks and dams, as well as any emergency notifications that may arise. The end user can choose which categories they wish to receive notices from. This will be a very useful tool for IRPT’s membership, as well as any industry or stakeholder on our navigable rivers.
IRPT’s mobile app is available in your smart phone’s app store titled IRPT. The user can simply download the app and it will ask if you wish to receive push notifications. If you choose yes, you will be prompted to choose categories of notifications you’d like to receive.
You do not have to be a Member of IRPT to download and use the app (although we would appreciate your membership), but you must log in to receive notifications. Here are instructions to help get you set up (make sure you can see pictures – you may have to right click and ‘download pictures’):
You can also view the instructions in pdf form here.
IRPT Mobile App Instructions for Download and Set-Up
- On your smartphone, visit the app store and search for “IRPT”.
- Once you find the IRPT symbol, download.
- You then have the option to open. This will bring you to IRPT’s home app.
- Click the menu tab located at the top right-hand corner.
- You must log in to receive push notifications regarding navigation notices. Once in the settings menu, choose “Log in”. You will need to register a new account to do so.
- Once logged in, back in the settings menu, choose “notifications” and choose which notifications you’d like to receive.
- IRPT Membership not required.
Other great features on the app include:
- History and information about IRPT
- A listing of our members which links the viewer to the website for instant access
- IRPT’s Members’ News
- Career Opportunity Notifications
- Calendar of Events
- How to contact IRPT directly
- Direct access to join the IRPT Family!
Inland Rivers Ports & Terminals, Inc. (IRPT) is a non-profit trade association with over 300 members nationwide. IRPT advocates for our nation’s inland waterways and the industries and companies that serve and utilize our inland rivers, ports and terminals.