MPR Transloading & Supply Chain Solutions

We are MPR, a multi-modal transload center that is your Gateway Distribution Point to nearly two-thirds of the US population that is reachable within a day’s transit. This includes the expansive Marcellus Shale Region as well as some of the largest manufacturing areas in the U.S. Our touch points also extend to certain Canadian provinces as well.

Utilizing our proven, cost-effective method of multiple-mode transportation and taking advantage of our strategic riverfront location in Bellaire, Ohio, we can provide you door-to-door service directly into the heart of some of the largest material-consuming areas of the country.

We’ve proven that moving your goods into the region utilizing our multi-modal partners and MPR as a transload point will cut your transportation expenditures a minimum of 50%. Our location gives barge lines the ability to provide you a more cost-effective rate structure than moving your goods further upriver. Coupling those rates with more favorable truck rates in the Ohio Valley than what you would find further north gives you the ability to gain a competitive advantage in time and cost.

MPR currently has in excess of 55 acres of storage, and we have the ability to develop another 400 acres, much of it riverfront property. Those 55 acres are complemented by three barge docks that can transload thousands of tons per week.

We also have access to Class 1 and Class 2 railroads, and we are literally less than five minutes away from a major East-West route, Interstate 70, which carries 10,000 trucks per day right past our facility and is less than an hour’s drive of two major North-South routes: Interstates 77 and 79.

Our facilities are capable of handling a variety of materials and products including:

  • Pipe
  • Aggregates
  • Frac Sand
  • Steel Products
  • Other Bulk Materials

We are more than just a transload facility for truck, however. We also can provide the following services:

  • Truck to Barge
  • Rail to Truck
  • Truck to Rail
  • Barge to Rail
  • Rail to Barge

Our concept shows the movement of goods and materials either way will result in significant savings for MPR customers.


Please learn more here or contact IRPT Member:

MPR Transloading & Supply Chain Solutions

Justin T Brown
Natalie Brown
5310 Guernsey Street
Bellaire, Ohio 43906
(740) 391-6008