Vibracore Sediment Borings Kanawha River Mile 55.0
Notice Number: 23-33
Date: UNTIL 12/15/2023
Notice is given that on or about 13 December 2023, Aqua Survey, Inc., contractor for Jacobs PM & Environmental Scientist, will begin sediment vibracorings in the back channel of the Kanawha River, Mile 55.0.
The contractor's floating plant will consist of the recreational vessel PACKANACK. The recreational vessel PACKANACK will be monitoring marine channel 16. Work will be conducted 8 hours per day, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Wednesday through Friday and is expected to be completed on or about 15 December 2023.
During non-working hours the contractor's floating plant will be moored at Pier 54 Marina, South Charleston, WV.
Mariners are urged to proceed with caution when passing this area.
Carter, Sean C,
Chief, Technical Support Branch