Red River Lock 1 Repair Update

Attached is the update from the Corps after yesterday's navigation call.
Thank you to everyone at the USACE Vicksburg District for their communication, determination, innovation and hard work to repair the structural failure at Lock 1. The Red River Valley Association and our industry partners are grateful for the proactive approach to the restoration of the gates to design standards in the future. 
See today's update on Boggs, attached. (BLUF): Gate adjustments are complete and within an acceptable level of tolerance. Crews are working today and tomorrow to re-establish the lock. Boggs will begin locking tows at 0600 Saturday morning without restrictions. The team will develop and submit a budget package to fully restore the gates to design standards. Industry was notified at the 1530 conference call this afternoon.
David Jenkins
Deputy Chief, Operations Division
Emily Mott, Executive Director
Red River Valley Association
P.O. Box 709
Shreveport, Louisiana 71162
Cell: (318) 458-7922