VTS Lower Mississippi River: 5 Day Outlook Friday, January 26, 2024
READ THIS LINE FIRST! The below table provides updated information to the referenced MSIB or other operation impacting navigation. This outlook is the LATEST and MOST ACCURATE Information. Latest updates are in red text.
Subscribe to the VTS LMR 5-day outlook email here: https://public.govdelivery.
Location | Date | Time | Closure or Restriction | ||
HDDA Dredging Operations
MM 0-2 |
February 1 (Tentative) |
0700 – 1900 | Operation is tentatively scheduled for Feb 1. No current impacts to navigation channel.
Vessels are prohibited from transiting between MM 0-2, AHP, from 0700-1900.
The contact vessel is the dredge CAPT FRANK, on Ch. 67 or 71. |
Revetment (Neptune Pass)
MM 23.1 |
February 28 – March 5 | 0600 – 1900 | All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours. MSU will not fold in at night. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Saltwater Barrier Sill
MM 63.5-64 |
Until further notice | 24/7 | One-way traffic for deep draft vessels. Shallow draft vessels can transit outside the buoys. See updated Alliance Anchorage info below. | ||
Revetment (Poydras)
MM 84.3 |
New dates TBD. |
0600 – 1900 | All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours. MSU will not fold in at night. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Revetment (Avondale)
MM 108 |
February 1 through February 16 | 0600 – 1900 | One-way traffic during working hours. All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours. MSU will extend 600’ into channel during non-working hours. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Revetment (Vacherie)
MM 149.4 MM 148.7 |
New dates TBD. |
0600 – 1900 | One-way traffic during working hours. All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours. MSU will not fold in at night. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Revetment (St. Gabriel)
MM 199 |
New dates TBD. |
0600 – 1900 | No deep-draft vessel transits during working hours. All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours. MSU will fold-in at night. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Revetment (Manchac)
MM 214.2 |
January 21 thru February 2 |
0600 – 1900 | No deep-draft vessel transits during working hours. MSU will fold-in at night. Contact pilot for the operation is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82. | ||
Subaqueous Stone Placement
January 23
through February 29 |
Daylight Hours | Mariners navigating upriver are urged to transit at their slowest safe speed to minimize wake and proceed with caution after passing arrangements have been made.
Mariners navigating downriver must contact the M/V KACIE LUHR before passing the project site. The M/V KACIE LUHR and M/V MEGAN DAWN can be contacted on VHF marine channels 13, 16, 67, and 72. |
Alliance Anchorage
Until further notice | N/A | Lower 0.5 miles (approx. 2,700’) of Alliance anchorage is closed. | ||
Point Celeste Anchorage | Until further notice | N/A | Vessels are requested to keep clear of any dredging operations and maintain standoff distance of 800’-1,000’. Contact vessels are M/V VIRGINIA WOOD and M/V MR KELLY. | ||
Algiers Locks
The Lockmaster at Algiers Lock, David A. Smith, can be reached at 504-354-1795 for up-to-date information (lockwall number is 504-354-1861). The points of contact with the New Orleans District are Victor Landry at 504-862-2407 and Robert Swayze at 504-862-2060. |
Harvey Locks | January 29, 2024
1200 - 1700
January 30 – February 2, 2024 0700 – 1700 |
Intermittent Closures | The Lockmaster at Harvey Lock, Greg Desselles, can be reached at 504-366-4683 for up-to-date information (lockwall number is 504-366-5187). The points of contact with the New Orleans District are Vic Landry at 504-862-2407 and Robert Swayze at 504-862-2060. |
MSIB 006 - Temporary Closure MM 0 - MM 2 AHP LMR
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Lower Mississippi River, in accordance with the Navigation Safety Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations Title 33, Subpart 161.11, will establish a series of VTS measures for all waters of the Lower Mississippi River from Mile Marker (MM) 0 to MM 2 Above Head of Passes (AHP). These measures are needed to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the removal of a temporary submerged discharge line for Hopper Dredge Disposal Area (HDDA) dredging operations and are in effect with the following provisions:
- February 1, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time: all vessels are prohibited from transiting between MM 0 – MM 2.0 AHP
For questions or status updates, mariners should contact the on-scene vessel:
- Dredge CAPT FRANK (MM 0 to 2.0 AHP) on VHF-FM channel 67 or 71 or at (985) 237-5014
Vessels transiting to or from north of MM 214 should consider ongoing revetment operations and river closure from 0600-1900. The average transit time for ships from MM 214 to MM 0 AHP is approximately 15 hours. Vessels should consult their attending Pilot Association for recommended transit times.
Vessels intending to arrive or depart the Mississippi River on the day of a closure must arrive at Pilottown (outbound) no later than 6:30 a.m. or Southwest Pass Entrance Light (inbound) no later than 5:00 a.m. on the morning of the closure.
MSIB 066 - Revetment Operations: January - March 2024
The Captain of the Port of New Orleans is issuing a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Safety Measure for the waters of the Lower Mississippi River (LMR) listed in the table above to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) revetment operations. The table outlines the transit restrictions that apply at each respective location.
The following conditions apply at all locations:
- The working hours for the Mat Sinking Unit (MSU) are from 0600-1900 daily.
- The contact pilot for the operations is the M/V William James and can reached on VHF CH. 67 or 82.
- All vessels shall transit at slowest safe speed when transiting past the MSU during working hours.
The dates of the work and restrictions listed above are subject to change. Daily updates to the schedule and restrictions will be messaged in the Vessel Traffic Service 5-day outlook email.
MSIB 003: VTS Safety Measure - Saltwater Barrier Sill MM-63.8 (Update 3)
The Captain of the Port New Orleans is issuing Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Safety Measures to protect persons and vessels from the potential safety hazards associated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ raising of the emergency Saltwater Barrier Sill at Lower Mississippi River Mile Marker (MM) 63.8 Above Head of Passes (AHP). The sill has been constructed to an elevation of minus 30’, with a 620’ wide, minus 55’ notch along the Left Descending Bank (LDB), allowing for deep draft vessels to transit. The following channel restrictions will be in effect beginning at 1000 on January 2, 2024:
1) All vessels drafting 25’ and greater are limited to one way traffic from MM 63.5 to 64.0 AHP, confined to a channel 620’ wide. The channel is marked on its corners by four buoys. All deep draft vessels transiting this zone shall proactively make passing arrangements to avoid meeting or overtaking between MM 63.5 and 64.0.
2) Vessels drafting less than 25’ are permitted and encouraged to transit through the area above the saltwater barrier sill, between Alliance Anchorage and the western channel buoys.
3) All vessels shall transit at their slowest safe speed between MM 63.5 to 65.5 AHP.
4) The lower 2,700’ of Alliance Anchorage is closed to all traffic.
The channel buoy locations are as follows:
- 29 42 6.8585 N 089 58 33.4567 W MM 63.7 AHP
- 29 42 4.0832 N 089 58 39.7273 W MM 63.7 AHP
- 29 42 9.5576 N 089 58 42.9063 W MM 63.8 AHP
- 29 42 12.333 N 089 58 36.6357 W MM 63.8 AHP
The Project Managers are Mike Hales, (337) 852-4066, and Avery Castille, (337) 342-5717.
Updates will be disseminated via VTS email distribution, and/or Safety Broadcast Notice to Mariners.